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THC vs CBD For Pain Relief: What You Need To Know

Updated: Feb 21, 2023

Pain relief is a major concern for many people.

While CBD and THC have been gaining more attention lately as potential solutions, there are still some questions about which is best for chronic pain relief.

"What exactly are these compounds, how do they work with pain, and what are the pros and cons?"

This article will take an in-depth look at THC vs. CBD, their associated side effects, and legal concerns.

Let's dive in and discover which may be better for chronic pain relief.

THC vs. CBD: Key Differences

Cannabis is a plant that contains many different compounds known as cannabinoids. The two most well-known cannabinoids are cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

  • THC is the main psychoactive compound extracted from cannabis. It's responsible for the "high" associated with marijuana use. THC is thought to have various health benefits, including reducing inflammation and pain, relieving anxiety, and stimulating appetite.

  • CBD is non-psychoactive, meaning it doesn't produce the "high" associated with THC. CBD is used in various products, such as oils, edibles, and topicals. CBD is thought to have various health benefits, including relieving pain, reducing anxiety, and improving sleep.

Both cannabinoids interact with the body's endocannabinoid system (ECS), which helps regulate things like sleep, appetite, pain, and immunity.

How CBD and THC Work With Pain

CBD and THC work with pain by binding to cannabinoid receptors in the body and brain.

CBD is thought to have anti-inflammatory effects, while THC is thought to have analgesic (pain-relieving) effects.

Comparison: Which Is Better For Pain Relief CBD Or THC

THC and CBD can effectively relieve pain, but they work differently. THC binds to the cannabinoid receptors in the brain and central nervous system, which can help with chronic pain relief and other symptoms.

On the other hand, CBD does not bind directly to these receptors. Instead works to reduce inflammation by interacting with various biochemical pathways.

So, which is better for chronic pain relief?

That depends on the individual. Some people may find THC more effective for pain relief, while others may find CBD more effective.

Pros and Cons of Using THC vs. CBD for Pain Relief

There are several potential benefits to using CBD and THC for pain relief. However, some potential risks and side effects are also associated with their use.

  • THC can produce psychoactive effects, while CBD does not.

  • CBD is generally considered safe and well-tolerated, with a low risk of serious side effects. However, some people may experience dry mouth, diarrhea, or reduced appetite due to CBD.

  • THC is also generally safe and well-tolerated. However, it can cause some adverse effects, such as dry mouth, red eyes, impaired coordination, anxiety, paranoia, and dizziness.

  • CBD and THC also interact with certain medications. Talk to your medical doctor before starting any treatment.

Legal Concerns of CBD and THC

Those who live in states where THC is illegal, or don't want the substance's psychoactive effects, might be better off trying CBD on its own to see if it does the trick.

And even in states where CBD is legal, laws vary regarding the amount of THC permissible in CBD products to be legally sold. Many states require CBD products to contain less than 0.3 percent THC to be legally sold.

Discover Pain Relieving THC And CBD Products at 420 Smart!

At 420 SMART, we're dedicated to being the best in the business regarding quality, price, and science. We source only the finest organic hemp from the USA.

We also use state-of-the-art milling and processing techniques to create premium products.

Our products are free from harsh chemicals and detergents, and we offer a wide range of top-notch options, including CBD, CBG, CBN, THCV, and Delta-9 THC.

Our quality control team evaluates each product to ensure it meets our high standards.

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